Two A Days 4 The Holidays!

In case you have not noticed, IT"S THE MOST WONDEFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! I'm not sure what I like so much about it, maybe it's the crisp air, falling leaves, colors of trees ( I only dreamed about in kindergarten in El Paso Texas), football, crisp air, apples, apple cider, fire pits, Halloween night seeing friends and neighbors, fall festivals, pumpkins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice lattes, carving jack-o-lanterns with my family, corn stalks, corn mazes, hay rides, the smell of fall, scented candles, waking up on Thanksgiving day, pilgrims, roasting marshmallows and Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, or just that... "God is in it all!"

However, if you read into that previous paragraph, there are a lot of calories in that description. There is conflicting research as to what the average amount of weight gain is from Halloween to New years but it averages out to about 7 - 10 pounds. So with a little inspiration from Mean Dean Peters a good friend of mine, who has lost A TON of weight and is doing two weeks of two-a-days.  I'm starting my own version of two-a-days tomorrow, but mine will last until the end of the year. I'm not in this to compete with Dean or one up him, I'm using his two-a-days as inspiration! How am I doing it:

As of tomorrow (when I start) there will be 62 days till the end of the year and most people gain 10 lbs between now and the end of the year. How am I going to keep that off? Simply by working out twice-a-day. Here is what I figured out for myself. On average I burn about 325 calories at the gym every morning, I'm going to double my daily calories burned from now until the end of the year. So daily it will be my goal to burn 650 calories. Nothing complex about that!

What's that? You don't even workout once a day? Well it's time to start!

If you want to find out how I'm doing... Check back here often, check my Facebook or follow me on Twitter @youthguru.

I would also love for you to join me! Who needs to wait for a New Year, let's start tomorrow morning! Who's in... If you are, check in often and let me know how it's going, tell me your progress and tell me what you are doing to exercise each day!  LET'S DO THIS!

PS: If you want a great little app that tracks your weight, caloric intake and calories burned, check out the LoseIt app, it has helped me lose 35 pounds.

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