I came across this article on the one of the forums that I’m a part of on Facebook and thought it would be a lead in to what I’m about to say.
After reading the article I sense that the Buchanan’s have some serious issues with pastors or youth pastors in general being on campus. They say that, “Allowing the minister to attend lunches with the students when no other person not affiliated with the schools are able to do so represents an endorsement of religious beliefs, according to the lawsuit.” I speak for myself here but I kind of agree with them. If in fact that no other community leaders are allowed to be there is just plain wrong. After 25 years of student ministry I can honestly say that at times my intentions were not only to meet with my students but to hopefully meet their friends also, which in turn I would hope would break down some walls and allow my students to invite their friends to our youth ministry. Do I think this is all youth pastor's attention... NO! But, right or wrong.. that was “my intention”.
I might also say that we as youth pastors need to take a different approach to this. Here is what I propose:
#1 Take on the attitude of a servant, humble yourself and ask if the principal will allow you to take them to lunch or coffee. In my last position I took the principal out to lunch and she said to me, “In the 25 years I have been a principal no youth pastor has ever asked me to lunch!:” That was the start of a great relationship because she did not think I had an agenda. Honestly... I didn't! While at this meeting explain that you serve students also and want to be a resource for him/her. At this point you have several options:
- Volunteer to coach a sport of you have experience in that area.
- Volunteer to cut out paper planes or whatever needs to be done.
- Volunteer to help out at after prom or football games. (For years now we have worked the allnighters at after prom.
#2 Volunteer to help out with PTSO. They are always looking for volunteers, and you get to minister to adults not just students at all kind’s of events.
#3 Start a teen center! I know this is a radical idea, but because we built a teen center we have set ourselves up to serve our community and the teens that live in it. This center also affords us to go to school assemblies to promote the center, to back to school night to talk to parents. It has even allowed us to work with the administration and teachers and allow us to take the community service program off their plates. We have taken well over 1000 students in community service projects in our community for their benefit. You can check out the center at: EDGE
These are just a few ideas that go beyond the one sided, “Hey can I have lunch with my kids dilemma!”
Now... Let me hear your thoughts and ideas you have used!