If you are confident you are beautiful!

The above title are words we have printed on the wall in my daughters room and we firmly believe them. 

This morning my sister-in-law came across a video of a lady in Australia (see video below), who found herself an overnight internet sensation. She has loved dolls all her life so she started going into thrift stores and to buy used dolls. She would then take them home, clean them up, repair and repaint them, or "remake-up them". I found this interesting because my daughter, 7th grade, has started to wear make up. While I have no beef with her wearing a little make up, we are always quick to remind her that she does not need that Ooey Gooey stuff (Dad's Wrods) to be beautiful. It reminded me of the words of a wise young lady, who is a friend of our family. You see, our daughter recently turned 13, which is a big deal in our house! Years ago when my older son turned 13, my wife started a tradition to have people that are close to them write letters. My wife then takes those letters and puts them in a scrap book so that our kids can look back over the wise words throughout their teen years. This year was no exception, here are the words of that wise young lady I mentioned above, “In the upcoming years, [beauty], will be something that most girls struggle with. I know I did. It’s easy to look around and compare yourself to other girls- what you wish you had, or what you wish you could change about yourself, but don’t let yourself fall into that mindset. God created you in His image, beautiful. I used to roll my eyes whenever my mom told me “always dress modestly” because I thought she expected me to dress like a grandma. However, I can’t tell you how important that is. By dressing in ways that show the 4 B’s (boobs, belly, back, butt) it draws attention, but not a healthy kind of attention, it will attract guys; but they won’t be looking at your heart, they’ll be looking at your 4 B’s! eek! When you dress modestly, it allows people to see your true beauty that is inside of you. You are beautiful, be confident, and don’t let anyone tell you different.” This young lady spoke some significant truth and I'm so appreciative of her. May that excerpt and the video below cause you to have a conversations with your daughters, conversation of modesty, conversations of inner strength. Conversations about how a person’s manner of dress, or even their preoccupation with clothing itself (Matthew 6:28-30), are often indicative of a heart that loves self more than God. Conversation about being confident and from that confidence comes beauty!

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