Archive for April 2012

What to Eat?

As of this morning I now weigh 193 pounds, that is a loss of 34 lbs.. I have had my follow up physical and my cholesterol has plummeted but not yet out of the danger zone so I have reluctantly started tricor. My hope is to continue to eat right and exercise to get it down even lower.
As of late I have found people saying, "You look great!" followed with, "How are you doing it?
Well, here is the answer! For the last three years I have hit the gym above on a consistent basis but I was just maintaining weight. I really did not start seeing results until my lifestyle change (read not a diet) in January of this year (see previous post).  That change can be summed up as follows: "You can't lose weight without exercise. But I've got a philosophy about exercise. I don't think you should punish your body for something your mouth did. Drag your lips around the block once or twice." Gwen Owen
I can some up my diet in two words, "NOTHING WHITE!White foods should be avoided completely under the premise that most of these foods contain simple carbohydrates, which increase insulin production and trigger cravings for more carbohydrates. Foods to steer clear of on this diet include white rice, white flour, sugar, and potatoes, salt and milk, although some versions of the diet do allow for the inclusion of skim milk.
Anything made from white flour must also be strictly eliminated such as bread, cakes, pastries, pasta and noodles. Some proponents of the diet also advise dieters to avoid fruit juice and artificial sweeteners because these foods can cause sugar cravings. My inventory of food over the last few months using my trusty Lose It App looks like the following:
Proteins: Raw Almonds, Raw Walnuts, Beans (black and pinto), eggs,
Veggies: (all veggies) I prefer: avocado, broccoli,  carrots, celery, lot's of salads, spaghetti squash instead or spaghetti pasta, 
Snacks: Kettle Chips: Almond Butter Crunchy and peanut butter, Clif Bars (all kinds), Plain Greek yogurt (you can add herbs for a dip and fruit for a dessert), honey if I need sweetener, dark chocolate (70% cocoa, but only occasionally), powercrunch protein bars (you want to look for bars that have more protein than carbs), whey protein shakes. 
Fruit: (basically any kind of fruit) Oranges, bananas, cherries, variety of melons 
Complex Carbohydrates: oat bread, whole wheat NOT enriched (about to switch to Ezekiel bread), Bare Naked Vanilla Almond Crunch Cereal, steel cut oatmeal,
Drinks: Almond Breeze Milk (Vanilla Flavor unsweetened), I try to limit soda but have diet when I do, I drink mostly water and use true lemon and lime (I don't like plain water) or Crystal light flavor packets. I have read that using artificial sweeteners can cause you to crave sweets, but just read in Men's magazine that the research for that is bad research and I seem to have done ok with it.
I also use olive oil instead of butters. I try to stay to the outside edges of your supermarket and the health food section and you should be fine! Eating out? I try to stay away from the white stuff, bread sugars etc... If it’s a burger joint I eat it without the bun.

I also take a day off a week and splurge a little, and occasionally have a beer, LITE that is!

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Do Something!

My dad (The Sarge) had a famous quote that my brother's and I still use often, "WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... DO SOMETHING!" 

On January 1, 2011 I weighed in at 227 and I knew it was time to do SOMETHING about it. So... for the last year my friend Todd Porter and I have been hitting the gym on a religious basis. We make sure that we give each a hard time when we don’t get to the gym, whether we have an excuse or not. I would also be remiss not to mention my older brother who is an inspiration to me; he went through a journey several years ago and is in great shape. He daily goes to Crossfit in Bowie MD.  In that time I was thinking, this is great for me, I feel good. Yet I was bummed that I was not losing the weight.

You see the garbage I was filling my body was far outweighing, literally, what I was putting out. Finally in January of this year I finally went to my yearly physical that took me three years to schedule, but with a little push from my wife I went. Well needless to say that was the kick in the pants I needed! After talking to that doc my LDL Cholesterol was 453... yes you read that right, I also had some issues with fat around my liver and blood pressure was a little high. You see my father and grandfather died from heart disease, so it was time for a life change, NOT A DIET! The doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medication right away but I convinced him to allow me to change my eating habits, take natural supplements for cholesterol (more on that in a later post) and intensify my exercise regime, he agreed and I will go back to see him on April 15th, I will keep you posted

So… the picture... I can't remember the last time I weighed below 200. It has not been easy, the first few weeks the weight just fell off and then the last four to six weeks it has come off about a pound to two pound per week. 

Many people have asked how did you do that? Basically, I took the doctors advice and cut out anything white, like processed sugars and bad carbohydrates. I have a weekly weight lifting schedule and do some sort of cardio for 30 minutes every day, except for Sunday when I rest. I also track all my calories in an app called Lose It. It has not been an easy task, but it has built character and discipline in me.

Please know... I don't write this or show the picture to brag, I have a long way to go. What I do want to do is encourage you. As Sarge would say... DO SOMETHING!

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