Over the last 10 years I have dealt with death way to many times, with the loss of my brother, parents, father in law, brother in law and close friends. During many of these times I ran to scriptures and prayer to get me through. During one of these events I came across a book called CHAD. I believe the publisher was Focus on the Family, I have tried to do an online search for the book but had no luck. The following thoughts are things that I wrote in my journal after my brothers death and nuggets from the book. I hope you find some help and solace in them.
The pain of losing a brother is worse than anything I have ever imagined in this lifetime!
I would like for you to understand that these things are hard to verbalize. You don’t just sit down and write these impressions. You feel thoughts like these. You cry thoughts like these. You write and rewrite thoughts like these.
Many times I have encouraged friends to journal these thoughts, talk about these thoughts. In the past week I have had a friend from high school who's mom passed and I was able to encourage the writing of memories of mom on Facebook.
At some point, you will be ready to share your most intimate experiences with those you love. As I’ve read books, I’ve realized nobody has cornered the market on feelings.